Woodbridge Primary School

Woodbridge aspires to be the most caring and encouraging community school

Student Leadership

All our students are encouraged to undertake leadership roles in their classroom and in buddy class. Our Year 5 and 6 students are also given the opportunity to assume a variety of additional leadership roles in the school.


Year 6 Leaders

Eight Faction Captains and eight Student Leaders are chosen from our Year 6 cohort each semester. They are provided with a raft of leadership opportunities throughout the year to develop their skills in preparation for high school and beyond. Assisting in the management of recycling, sports, the front office and library, assemblies, Student Council, composting, gardening and IT are some of these responsibilities. 

The senior students also plan and implement fundraising initiatives and special school events, and support junior students in class as buddies.  


Student Council

The school has responded to student feedback and created a Student Council this year. The Council comprises Administration members, class teachers and the Student Leaders, who gather feedback from classrooms each term, then meet to discuss things that are working well in the school and generate ideas for areas that need improving. 


Peer Mediation

Our peer mediation program involves Year 5 and 6 students undertaking the role of mediators in disputes between peers and younger students within the playground.

The mediators received comprehensive training in conflict resolution and mediation so they are equipped with the necessary skills to interrupt conflicts in a safe manner or refer students to staff if assistance is required.