The application of mathematics in our every day lives - particularly with the increase in use of technology - has made effective teaching of mathematics critical, and as such, mathematics is a priority area at Woodbridge PS.

Knowledge and skills in number, algebra, measurement, geometry, statistics and probability are taught through games, hands-on activities, modelled tasks, collaborative and independent work, and ICT.

Skills in fluency, logical reasoning, analytical thought and problem solving are also developed.

For a number of years, a school-based leadership team consisting of teachers and administration staff have attended professional learning to assist in establishing whole school approaches in mathematicsm with the latest initiatives being in STEM. 

A repertoire of evidence-based strategies to assist students in attaining developmental milestones were identified, with many of these strategies being recommended by Dr Paul Swan and the First Steps in Mathematics Program. The school has also implemented Maths Online, a highly-regarded Australian learning program that students access at school and home. 

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