Woodbridge PS delivers an extensive range of before, during and after school programs to meet the academic, social, physical and emotional needs of our students, and promote a love of learning. At the heart of these programs is pastoral care. Use of ICT is promoted across all learning areas with students accessing Interactive Whiteboards, computers and iPads.
Core Curricula
Evidence-based whole school approaches to numeracy and literacy are implemented, enabling a seamless transition from early childhood to middle schooling. These learning areas, together with pastoral care, form our current priorities.
Science and sustainability have been, and continue to be, a major focus of the school with the cultivation of many community partnerships to promote science learning.
The Arts are highly valued in the school with specialist visual art, music and dance programs. A specialist physical education program is also delivered.
After consultation with our community, AUSLAN was chosen as the LOTE language for our school. Currently, our Year 3 and 4 students receive specialist instruction in this language.
Extension and Additional Programs
Woodbridge PS encourages gifted and talented students to extend their knowledge and skills by offering extension programs in early literacy, dance and visual arts. Additional programs including leadership, mentoring, drama, gardening, sport, library and choir also operate to provide students with opportunities to explore and develop interests.