Woodbridge Primary School

Woodbridge aspires to be the most caring and encouraging community school


An enjoyment and appreciation for dance can be such a positive part of a student’s school and future life. Woodbridge Primary School provides a highly-recognised dance program that aims to foster this within its students, enabling them to develop physically, emotionally and creatively.


Class Program

All PP - Year 6 students participate in a weekly dance class in a purpose-built room with a specialist Dance teacher. They learn how the body works in relation to alignment, strength, endurance and coordination through individual, group and whole class activities.

Students choreograph routines that include the elements of dance (body, space, time and energy). They are also taught sequences of movements and a broad spectrum of genres to extend their repertoire.

Presentation is valued with students performing for class members and at assemblies. By choreographing, collaborating and performing, students also develop key socio-emotional skills. Guest performers regularly perform at the school.


Extension Program   

Students in Years 4 - 6 have the opportunity to audition for the highly sought-after Girls' and Boys' Extension Dance Groups. These groups extend students' agility, strength and co-ordination through higher complexity warm-ups, centre work, corner work and choreography. Focus is given to the group working as a troupe, learning patterning and performance technique.

Students in these groups perform at school, the ACHPER Primary School Dance Festival and other events, receiving numerous commendations for their skills. Many students in this program have gained places and scholarships in specialist dance high school programs. The boys' innovative program, in particular, has proven to be a great success in producing confident young males.