Woodbridge PS is proactive in implementing programs that develop students' literacy skills in speaking and listening, reading and viewing, and writing.
A restructure of our programs has occurred to ensure whole school approaches are adopted. Capacity building of staff is key, with language leaders undergoing training to support staff across all phases of the school.
Early Intervention
Woodbridge PS places immense importance on early intervention, screening Kindergarten students' speech at the start of the year and referring to appropriate services if needed. Additional education assistant support is provided to the Kindy classrooms every morning to enable intensive, small group work on pre-literacy skills, and ensure our students have a solid foundation for later literacy development.
Phonological Awareness, Phonics and Spelling
Research-based pre-literacy and spelling programs are implemented with the support of education assistants. Current programs in operation include the PreLit Program and Words Their Way. Based on extensive research literature, Words Their Way allows teachers to highly differentiate classroom instruction so each child can work at their own developmental level.
Reading and Viewing
The school has injected considerable funds into expanding our reading resources including phonic, high interest/low level, guided, literacy circle and home readers, and books that support teaching of cross-curricula priorities including local, regional and global concepts, and sustainability. Students have also experienced amazing success with the online reading program, Literacy Pro. Visits to the school and Midland Library, Book Fair and other initiatives enhance students' understandings and love of reading.
Writing, Punctuation and Grammar
Focus is placed on encouraging students to develop their ideas and plan their writing through oral language experiences and the use of genre frameworks before producing extended pieces of writing.
A detailed scope and sequence for teaching writing genres, and punctuation and grammar - in line with the Western Australian Curriculum - have been developed to ensure whole school approaches are adopted.
The school is currently using Brightpath assessment and reporting software. The program is designed to support teachers in making accurate judgments about student performance so they can better target the needs of each individual student.