Woodbridge PS is a local area intake school and therefore, have been directed to only take students within our zone. Please refer to the Department of Education's Schools and You website below to access general enrolment information:
If you wish to enrol your child at Woodbridge, we welcome you to follow these steps:
1. Visit the school to get an Application for Enrolment Form.
2. Submit your Application for Enrolment Form at the school and provide the following original documentation:
- your child’s birth certificate
- your child’s immunisation records
- proof of your current address
- copies of Family Court orders for confirmation of proof of name or custody arrangements (if relevant).
3. You will be contacted by the school offering a place (as per Regulations) or indicating that none are available.
4. If you wish to accept an offer, visit the school to complete the enrolment process. This requires you to complete:
- Enrolment Form
- Student Health Care Summary
- Consent Form
- Additional Medical Action Plans (if your child has a medical condition)